Change Club Station Trustee

This past year our club station trustee, Dennis Riise, K5AVT passed away, requiring our club to quickly submit forms to assign a new station trustee. Not knowing the process, I turned to the ARRL and looked at their Club Station FAQ [1]. Scanning the FAQ (Frequently...

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Technician Class for New Hams

Tomorrow, April 30th, at 6pm CDT, HAMRADIO2.0 will begin a Livestream of a Technician Training Class for folks who are interested in obtaining their first Amateur Radio License.  The class will stream in 3 parts for 2-3 hours per part.  This will be a Livestream of...

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“This Thing of Ours”

“This Thing of Ours”

As some of you may know, I was first licensed some 26 years ago – I earned my Technician license shortly after the FCC dropped the Morse Code requirement. I had been interested in getting a license since I was in the 7th grade in California. I attended a class put on...

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DMR Project

For the month of May, I’m working on a special project I’d like to share with the club, I want to demonstrate DMR radio and walk the club members through the steps of building a hotspot of their own, configuring it, programming a DMR radio to use it, and help anyone...

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Contest University (CTU) USA 2020

I have been to the Dayton Hamfest three times, and the last two times I made a point of participating in Contest University, organized by Tim Duffy, K3LR, and several corporate sponsors, including both DX Engineering and Icom America. I attend CTU (as it is referred...

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