Back in February, 2015 the FCC suspended the issuance of mailing printed copies of new/renewed/updated Amateur Radio Licenses and instead directs licensees to their Universal License Manager System to print their license.
To access their license on the FCC website, a licensee must first create an FRN – if you do not have, or have forgotten your FCC Registration Number (FRN) you should visit this website and either create a new or search for an existing FRN, as appropriate.
The above page will direct you to the COmmission REgistration System (CORES) where you can create, update, and search for your FRN.
Another way to get your FRN and a Reference Copy of your license, suitable for many uses (but not actually the Official license) is to search for your callsign on the FCC ULS.
Once you find your FRN, the ULS page will give you the ability to login using your FRN and Password, then you will be able to print out either a reference copy or official copy of your license – the Official Copy requires you to select “Download Electronic Authorizations” on the left side of the page, select the Authorizations (Licenses) you want to download as PDFs, then click “Download”. Your browser may require you to authorize the website to create a pop-up.
This should provide you the option to either view or save the PDF copy of your Amateur Radio License.
FCC Universal License Manager System:
FCC FRN website:
CORES website:
FCC ULS Search: