This is a video by Dave Cassler, KE0OG, which briefly demonstrates attaching crimp on PL-259 connectors using a crimp kit similar to the one Dave uses, though I don’t believe our kit came with  crimp dies for Anderson Power Pole connectors (the club also has an appropriate crimper for Anderson Power Poles at the club shack). Remember, while we, the club, purchased these tools for use rebuilding the club shack, they are always available for loan to club members as needed, along with many other tools and station accessories.
If you find yourself needing to replace/install a PL-259 on RG-8x or RG-8/LMR-400 size coax, the club owns the proper tools already, just reach out to one of the club officers or the Property Master Ron Tabb, KC5HPO, to arrange access to them.

Club resources are available to all members as needed, just ask!


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