I have been to the Dayton Hamfest three times, and the last two times I made a point of participating in Contest University, organized by Tim Duffy, K3LR, and several corporate sponsors, including both DX Engineering and Icom America. I attend CTU (as it is referred to) not because I am a Contester, but because the level of information is second to none. The speakers include many well-known industry experts and highly-successful Contesters from around the world.
That the presentations will be available on-line is fantastic, they will cover all manner of topics, and I can virtually guarantee that anyone that either had or is considering building an HF shack of any type would be well-served by watching any of the presentations on station layout, software usage, antenna systems, feedline considerations, and more.
Tim Duffy, K3LR, has announced that Contest University (CTU) USA 2020 will be held online via Zoom on Thursday May 14, starting at 1245 UTC. CTU 2020 is free.
The CTU course outline has been posted online. Connection details to the CTU Zoom bridge will be posted on the Contest University site one week prior to CTU.
Sessions will be recorded for viewing any time after May 14. Slide decks will be posted on the CTU website as well.
At the end of CTU 2020, Dave Siddall, K3ZJ, will present the 2020 CQ Contest Hall of Fame awards.
For more information, visit the Contest University Website:
Course outline:
Ken Hansen, N2VIP
President, Irving Amateur Radio Club, Inc.